Disability Benefit Fraud Really Does Happen!

Disability benefit fraud has become a growing issue over the last decade. Fifteen percent of beneficiaries are scamming the system, that is approximately twenty-one billion dollars going to unworthy recipients (current of 2013). This problem can be reduced and possibly solved with some innovative systems and data collectors.
MacMillin Slobodien of Our Generation published an article, “10 Outrageous Examples of Social Security Disability Fraud.” Cristino Nunez of New Orleans, Louisiana, has scammed taxpayers of nearly $190,000. In 1997 he qualified for Social Security Disability benefits. Instead of giving the benefits up when he returned to work, he decided to continue receiving benefits. In order to go back to work, he bought a fake Social Security Card and number, he used that card to create a fake identity to show employers. He used that card to work many different jobs, while still receiving Social Security Benefits. During this time, he falsified his children's housing situation and claimed he was the lone income maker. Social Security then started sending benefits to his children. He pocketed those benefits, robbing his children of education and food. Christo Nunez conned Americans out of taxpayer dollars, and used his children as a piggy bank. Christo Nunez scammed the government for 10 years (from 2001 to 2011)!
Impact Solutions Consulting FraudPrev is revolutionizing the way fraud is identified. The company was founded in 2002 by Russel Forde, the current CEO/President. The FraudPrev system is helping to prevent fraudulent payments from reaching people who are not deserving. FraudPrev is a computer software program that uses patterns and characteristics of fraudulent activity to create models that use the data, to prevent fraud from occurring. FraudPrev also helps find people who are already scamming benefits. The system has an eighty-five percent accuracy rate in determining fraudulent activities. FraudPrev is utilized in many different fields of government, from benefits scams to financing terrorist operations. State and Local governments can use the system to crack down on government aid fraud, and help with the district attorney's fraud investigations. The system is easily accessible due to its cloud based operation. This means that with the right information and credentials, people can log onto the system and find data. You can help the cause by donating to Impact Solutions FraudPrev.
The abuse of government aid is a serious issue resulting in the loss of billions of dollars each year. Funds for qualified recipients have been reduced due to the increase in fraudulent payments. Money that could be used to support people in need has been greatly decreased. Impact Solutions is creating business systems that can be used by government programs to assure that only qualified people receive aid benefits. Systems such as those developed by Impact Solutions could save billions of lost dollars each year to fraud as well as increased benefits to certified recipients.
Works Cited
Ashbury, Neal. "Time to Disable Social Security Disability Insurance." Newsmax. N.p., 08 Aug. 2013. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.
"Benefits Fraud Prevention." Impact Solutions Consulting. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
Slobodien, MacMillin. "Social Security Disability Benefits." SpringerReference (n.d.): n. pag. 10 Outrageous Examples of Social Security Disability Fraud. Our Generation. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.