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Step by Step Into a Better Diabetic Future

In today’s society, the majority of people have misconceptions about Diabetes. Without the education of Diabetes in our society (especially the differences in all types), people will continue to judge Diabetics based on what they think they know, and their assumptions in a serious case could lead to the health of Diabetics being interfered with. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. “I wasn’t going to let diabetes stop me from doing anything, and I’ve been able to do so much more.” said a determined Diabetic for the You Can Do This Project.

Another passionate Type 1 Diabetic, Nina White, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was four years old in 2005. When she was diagnosed, she and her family were admitted to the hospital immediately for a week straight. Over the course of that time, they had to learn everything there was to learn about Type 1 Diabetes and how to manage it. From there, there have been ups and downs of living day in and day out with Diabetes. After almost ten years of having Type 1 Diabetes, Nina hopes that more people will be educated about (Type 1) Diabetes and that there will be a cure one day.

The American Diabetes Association since 1940 (ADA) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation since 1970 (JDRF) educates and helps to prevent and cure Diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by Diabetes. They work to help all types of Diabetics. Every year, they hold a walk for Diabetics to raise money and awareness to cure Type 1 Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetics know there will be a cure one day, and they hope that more people will understand what Diabetes is, and Diabetics hope people will give to the organizations that will help support them such as the ADA and the JDRF.

As a whole, every little bit counts. Whether taking the time to educate society or learning about a health condition that is present in so many lives today, or even by donating to help find a cure for Diabetes, our society can now improve the lives of many Diabetics around them by contributing little by little into a better future.

Diabetes Works Cited

"Statistics About Diabetes." American Diabetes Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.


"Video: Ryan Reed." You Can Do This Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.


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