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Veteran Compensation and Treatment

Without our veterans, there would be no military, and without our military, there would be no United States. It is important to support and aid people who are willing to give their lives to protect a country that is made up of unknown strangers. All enlisted men serve their country knowing they might not return to see their family. The statistics are alarming and discomforting, almost twenty percent of veterans suffer from some form of mental illness and one in ten veterans have a disability. Even with the risks, they bravely fight to protect the country they so dearly love. It is for their dedication to us, that they deserve treatment and compensation for the consequences of their patriotic service in the armed forces.

In the article “After war, young soldiers come home to fight unemployment” by Stephanie Chen, Brooks Douan returned from an eventful tour in Iraq. After returning home, he soon experienced Post Traumatic Stress and did not receive very much assistance. His PTSD hindered his ability to get a job and left him unemployed. He did not have any job offers from 2008-2010. Douan does not believe that his veteran status has any positive impacts on potential jobs. Because of his traumatic brain injury, people think that he is “broken” and is incompetent. Shockingly, Mr. Douan is just one of many of the fifteen percent of unemployed male veterans.

The Wounded Warrior Project is an organization supporting and treating veterans of the armed forces. Their mission is to help with any veterans’ injuries that occurred during the veterans’ time serving. They also help the veterans adapt to civilian life in the United States. The WWP “nurtures” the minds and bodies of the wounded veterans. They have helped more than 80,000 wounded warriors. The number one priority of the WWP is to help the veterans receive the treatment and assistance they need to adapt to civilian life.

It is indisputable that the military is the backbone of the United States. For there is no military without men willing to give their lives to their country, and no man wants to be a part of an organization that does not take care of its members. Hence, it is important to provide veterans of the United States Military with anything that can help them recover from the injuries or mental illnesses that they sustain while serving our country.

Work Cited

Chen, Stephanie. "After War, Young Soldiers Come Home to Fight Unemployment."

CNN. Cable News Network, 07 July 2010. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

Inc., Veterans. "Veterans Inc - Serving Veterans & Their Families Across America.”

Veterans Organizations Home Page Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

Project, Wounded Warrior. "Veterans Charity Service Organization | Help Support a Warrior |

Wounded Warrior Project." Veterans Charity Service Organization | Help Support a Warrior | Wounded Warrior Project. WWP, n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

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