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Racial Profiling

Racial profiling is much more than the hassle or inconvenience people who haven’t experienced it see it as. Some may feel that racial profiling is a justifiable practice because there are a lot of bad people out there. But they don’t think about all of the other people who aren’t bad, but are still affected by this practice. Racial profiling doesn’t only affect people directly, it also affects people who are associated with those who are directly affected by it. It impacts families, friends, classmates, and neighbours. Psychologists have confirmed that societies affected by racial profiling have had feelings of racism, fear, and financial costs. This shows that racial profiling has widespread social and economic costs.

One example of racial profiling is the reason for Tayron Christian suing Barneys department store in New York. Christian, who was 18 at the time, went to Barneys to buy a Ferragamo belt he saw in a video. When he went to pay for the belt with his debit card, the cashier asked for identification. Christian showed his driver’s license, signed the receipt, and left the store with the belt in a bag. He was then stopped by two undercover police officers who also asked for identification. The officers then asked what was in the bag, the officers saw the belt and accused him of buying it with a fake card. Claiming that they got a call from the store.

The OneAmerica organization has fought against racial profiling from the start. OneAmerica has been working with the Rights Working Group to advocate for the civil liberties of everybody regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. One America aims to educate policy makers about the increasing collaboration between border patrol and local law enforcement. These are some ways the OneAmerica organization is fighting against racial profiling, you can see more by visiting their website listed below.

Finally, you can learn more about this topic by visiting the websites listed below. Also, you can get involved by not participating in racial profiling. Hopefully you found this and the websites below informational.

Works Cited.

"The Effects of Racial Profiling." Ontario Human Rights Commission. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.

"Student Sues Barneys Department Store." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.

"Racial Profiling: Face the Truth Campaign." Racial Profiling: Face the Truth Campaign. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar.


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