Black Lives Do Matter

In 2015, unarmed black people were killed five times as often as unarmed white people. And only 9 of the 102 reported cases in 2015 resulted in officers being found guilty. Some media personnel portray this issue as nothing. They argue that racism doesn’t exist because all cops are vigilantes. Some opposers of Black Lives Matter have even said that black lives matter is a “murder movement”. But are they correct? Yes and no, some cops are vigilantes, but racism still exists today. It is woven into the fabric of The United States of America.
Back to the issue at hand, in an anecdote from an ex black cop, Reddit Hudson essentially wrote about his experiences as a cop and what being a cop is like. The article started out with an observation he made in the police force. Hudson wrote that “15% of officers will do the right thing no matter what is happening. 15% of officers will abuse their authority at every opportunity. The remaining 70% could go either way depending on who they are working with.” He goes on to give examples of this and even mentions how authority abuse does not just affect white cops. The bulk of the article was dedicated to five key points about the officers. The first three discussed flaws in the policing system. The fourth one talked about police cameras. The last part mentioned a hope for change, which is something we can all hope for. But how? There is one main group taking on the task.
The main organization in this movement is called Black Lives Matter. It’s chapters are everywhere. It started in 2013. Black Lives Matter is an organizations whose goal is to abolish racism from our country, which is a huge task. They also support black communities, women, the disabled, and the LGBTQ community. The organization offers events and chapters all across the country. To get involved, visit their website which has a place to get involved. Anyone can get involved by finding a local chapter and volunteering, finding events and participating in them, or shopping for clothing. The money from these sales will support the Black Lives Matter movement.
Racism still exists in this country. For example, 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people making up only 13% of the U.S. population. This issue is not going to stop itself. A lot of contribution will be needed to pull this all off. If we all work together, equality can eventually be reached.
Works Cited
"Black Lives Matter Freedom & Justice for All Black Lives." Black Lives Matter RSS2. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.
Hudson, Reddit. "I'm a Black Ex-cop, and This Is the Real Truth about Race and Policing." Vox. N.p., 28 May 2015. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.
"Police Killed More than 100 Unarmed Black People in 2015." Mapping Police Violence. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2016.
Hanson, Hillary, and Simon McCormack. "Fox News Suggests Black Lives Matter Is A 'Murder' Movement, 'Hate Group'" Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.