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Gender Discrimination: Unequal Pay

According to the American Civil Liberties Union, white women make just 78 cents, black women earn 64 cents and Latina women earn only 54 cents for every dollar earned by white men. Women working in the same conditions and at the same job as men are statistically proven to be paid less than their male coworkers. Everywhere on Earth, women are discriminated against for nothing more than their gender and are paid significantly less because of it, which is a clear violation of women’s rights, since, as stated in the US Constitution, everyone is equal.

The Guardian, a news site, wrote how a woman named Margaret (age 35) who lived in Los Angeles, California worked at an Italian restaurant along with a male coworker as servers when they were in high school. Margaret and her coworker one day compared paychecks, and she learned that she was paid less than her friend. While her male companion was paid $7, she was only paid $5.50, and both were surprised to learn that they were being paid differently for the exact same job and working conditions. Margaret went to her boss and complained, and her boss at first said he was paying them differently because the boy was older than her. Finally, her boss admitted that he believed men should be paid more than women, and Margaret was left feeling infuriated. (The Guardian, 2016).

The American Civil Liberties Union, otherwise referred to as the ACLU, was started in 1920 in order to protect Americans’ civil rights in many areas. With offices scattered all around the nation where individuals can go to seek help with issues relating to their civil rights and their main headquarters, or national office, located in New York, New York, they provide a wide range of coverage to serve people. The ACLU’s goal is to educate people about their civil rights and to defend those who feel their civil rights have been violated. Since 1920 when the ACLU was created, they have fought many civil liberties’ battles, one specifically called the Scopes Trial of 1925. They won, and the trial helped to educate the public on academic freedom when it made national headlines. Now, they have members in many places such as federal agency offices and capitol Hill. In addition, there are people speaking with law and policy makers, and there are trained lawyers and volunteers willing to speak with anyone about his or her civil rights. These lawyers are also willing to represent individual in court under civil rights cases, seeing as that is what they are trained for. Getting involved with the ACLU is not hard with their numerous offices and easy online access. Anyone can go to an ACLU office and volunteer there or donate online by making monthly payments to help to fund the ACLU. Since women’s rights is a topic that is currently big in the news, the ACLU is highlighting it as a topic that they advocate for. By offering information as to what rights women have, what to do if a woman’s rights are violated and how to seek help, the ACLU is clearly trying to provide a way for women to advocate and become more involved with equal rights. (ACLU, 2015)

In conclusion, women everywhere are facing the problems of gender discrimination, especially in the workplace regarding unequal pay between men and women. While the working conditions and job itself are identical, women are continuously paid less than men. By supporting the ACLU and specifically women’s rights, we can eliminate gender inequality issues and reduce the pay gap.

Works Cited

“ACLU.” ACLU. Sat. 20 Feb. 2016

“Unequal pay for women: ‘I was told men should make more’.” The Guardian. Thurs. 18 Feb. 2016

“The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring 2016).” AAUW. Thurs. 18 Feb. 2016

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